Monday, May 30, 2016

Capital punishment has been challenged under what amendment?


The Alien and Sedition Act of 1798 was

never tested by the Court.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

19th Amendment

protection from sexual discrimination against voters

13th Amendment

protection from involuntary servitude

5th Amendment

protection from self-incrimination

4th Amendment

protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Some forms of commercial speech are protected by the 1st and 14th Amendments.


Each federal judicial district has at least one bankruptcy judge.


The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in some cases.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed matters of sexual equality, as well as racial equality.


Some provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were based on the power of Congress to regulate commerce.


The Supreme Court justice who wrote the ruling in Marbury v. Madison was

John Marshall.

What type of jurisdiction means that only a federal court can hear a case?

exclusive jurisdiction

What constitutes treason?

giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States

A bill of attainder is

a legislative act that pronounces punishment without a trial.

Habeas corpus does what?

prevents unjust imprisonments

Holding someone without bail because the person is likely to commit more crimes before trial is

preventive detention.

A person who loses citizenship involuntarily goes through a process of


Segregation as it exists in reality is called

de facto segregation.

What case rejected the idea of “separate but equal” facilities?

Brown v. Board of Education

The case of Gitlow v. New York did what?

began the process of incorporation

Free speech protects what?

discussion of public affairs

What is used to determine whether a parochial school can receive aid?

the Lemon test

The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment prohibits

laws enforcing religious practices.

The 14th Amendment did what?

applied much of the Bill of Rights to the states

What protects free speech from the federal government?

the 1st Amendment

Civil liberties are

protections from the government’s power.

Congress creates special courts under which constitutional provision?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 9

In the case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court upheld the concept of

judicial review.

Judicial restraint is the concept of

adhering to the original intent of the Constitution and laws.

Who would write a concurring opinion in a Supreme Court case?

a judge who agrees with the majority decision but wants to add extra insights

Who would file an amicus curiae brief with a court?

someone not directly involved in the case

Supreme Court justices are

nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

How many judges does the Supreme Court have?


In a majority of the cases it hears, the Supreme Court has

appellate jurisdiction.

In a civil case, the party who files suit is the


The facts of a case are first heard in what jurisdiction?


What established the basic structure of the federal judiciary

the Judiciary Act of 1789

Courts below the Supreme Court are created by
