Thursday, July 7, 2016

Working as a welder on a production line is an example of a __________ job.


What is a certificate of incorporation?

a license to form a corporation

The "market basket" used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to calculate prices is comprised of

goods and services for a typical urban consumer.

Why would an investor buy a junk bond?

Junk bonds pay higher interest.

Why would a company hire temporary workers?

They provide greater flexibility.

When determining labor force statistics, a person who once looked for work but has given up looking for a job is considered

outside the labor force.

What is the difference between real GDP and nominal GDP?

Real GDP is based on constant prices; nominal GDP is based on the current year's prices.

A certificate of deposit (CD) is considered a ___________ investment.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

19th Amendment

protection from sexual discrimination against voters

13th Amendment

protection from involuntary servitude

5th Amendment

protection from self-incrimination

4th Amendment

protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Some forms of commercial speech are protected by the 1st and 14th Amendments.


Each federal judicial district has at least one bankruptcy judge.


The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in some cases.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed matters of sexual equality, as well as racial equality.


Some provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were based on the power of Congress to regulate commerce.


The Supreme Court justice who wrote the ruling in Marbury v. Madison was

John Marshall.

What type of jurisdiction means that only a federal court can hear a case?

exclusive jurisdiction

What constitutes treason?

giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States

A bill of attainder is

a legislative act that pronounces punishment without a trial.

Habeas corpus does what?

prevents unjust imprisonments

Holding someone without bail because the person is likely to commit more crimes before trial is

preventive detention.

A person who loses citizenship involuntarily goes through a process of


Segregation as it exists in reality is called

de facto segregation.

What case rejected the idea of “separate but equal” facilities?

Brown v. Board of Education

The case of Gitlow v. New York did what?

began the process of incorporation

Free speech protects what?

discussion of public affairs

What is used to determine whether a parochial school can receive aid?

the Lemon test

The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment prohibits

laws enforcing religious practices.

The 14th Amendment did what?

applied much of the Bill of Rights to the states

What protects free speech from the federal government?

the 1st Amendment

Civil liberties are

protections from the government’s power.

Congress creates special courts under which constitutional provision?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 9

In the case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court upheld the concept of

judicial review.

Judicial restraint is the concept of

adhering to the original intent of the Constitution and laws.

Who would write a concurring opinion in a Supreme Court case?

a judge who agrees with the majority decision but wants to add extra insights

Who would file an amicus curiae brief with a court?

someone not directly involved in the case

Supreme Court justices are

nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

How many judges does the Supreme Court have?


In a majority of the cases it hears, the Supreme Court has

appellate jurisdiction.

In a civil case, the party who files suit is the


The facts of a case are first heard in what jurisdiction?


What established the basic structure of the federal judiciary

the Judiciary Act of 1789

Courts below the Supreme Court are created by


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What is a goal of “smart” sanctions?

to limit the human cost of economic sanctions

What is humanitarian intervention?

a military response to human rights abuses

Those using the “international order” argument to oppose the idea of the human rights revolution argue that

some states could use human rights concerns to justify their wars.

The 1998 indictment, arrest, and agreement in principle to extradite Pinochet to Spain set a precedent forThe 1998 indictment, arrest, and agreement in principle to extradite Pinochet to Spain set a precedent for

universal jurisdiction.

What is the Human Rights Watch?

an NGO

What is the title of a United Nations official entrusted with monitoring human rights issues around the world?

the high commissioner for human rights

What factor mitigated the effectiveness of the Commission on Human Rights?

Its members were states with interests to protect.

What is genocide?

acts committed with intent to destroy a specific group of people

What is the International Bill of Human Rights?

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights plus two other treaties

What is cultural relativism?

a perspective that different cultures have different views of what constitutes a human right

What was the eventual result of perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union?

to promote human rights and democracy

Why did Richard Nixon try to improve American relations with China in the early 1970s?

to play off the Chinese government against the Soviet Union

What is the Vietnam syndrome?

American aversion to interventions abroad

What were the SALT talks?

an arms control agreement

The human rights revolution maintains that

protecting human rights is the responsibility of the international community.

The rise of powers like Brazil, China, and Saudi Arabia suggest a new __________ in international relations.


What is an example of the end of Eurocentrism?

the economic growth of India

The American invasion of Iraq assumed that

one state could establish democracy in another.

How did the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 change international relations?

The United States now sought to defeat enemies instead of containing them.

What state has dominated the world in a unipolar system?

the United States

What was a direct confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union?

the Cuban Missile Crisis

What is an example of a bipolar system?

the East-West standoff known as the Cold War

Why did the Yalta Conference represent a victory for the idea of spheres of influence?

It agreed to let the Soviet Union control all of Eastern Europe.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s idea for a consortium of the four Allied powers after World War II called for

agreement of the Allies to maintain order and keep new powers from upsetting the peace.

Spheres of influence are

blocks of nations administered by great powers.

The Munich Conference of 1938 is known as an example of appeasement because

Britain allowed Hitler to have the Sudetenland in hope of avoiding war.

In what way did the League of Nations bolster the idea of state sovereignty?

It left enforcement of sanctions to sovereign states.

Why is Hitler’s interest in the Sudetenland an example of nationalism?

Many ethnic Germans lived there.

The League of Nations lacked the power to

use military force against aggression.

The League of Nations lacked the power to

use military force against aggression.

The League of Nations was an effort at collective security because

it was intended to be a higher authority that would preserve peace.

The League of Nations was an effort at collective security because

it was intended to be a higher authority that would preserve peace.

What two states were primarily responsible for escalating World War I by way of the alliance system?

Russia and Germany

World War I began as a dispute between

Serbia and Austria-Hungary.

What effect did the revolutions of 1848 have in Europe?

International relations became more about national interests.

What is an example of a “two-level game” in international relations?

a leader having to negotiate with both foreign leaders and domestic constituents

What event indicated a weakening of the Concert of Europe?

the formation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente

What event was a breakdown of the Concert of Europe?

the Crimean War

What was an informal rule for state behavior in the Concert of Europe?

Changes to the Vienna settlement had to be made through consensus.

What idea is consistent with the Concert of Europe?

The great powers would maintain the balance of power with collective oversight.

What was a main reason for the Congress of Vienna?

to establish a system of order that would prevent another major war

What idea is consistent with the Peace of Westphalia?

States were sovereign units.

Napoleon would most likely agree with what idea?

An empire should function as single state, being led by its mother country.

What event brought about the definitive reworking of Europe to create sovereign states?

the Thirty Years’ War

When did the idea of modern nationalism first emerge?

the seventeenth century

What is an example of nationalism?

Kurdish hopes of an independent state

What is an example of a nation?


What is an example of a nation?


What is an example of a state?

the Ottoman Empire

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

What is an example of a constitutional court?

a U. S. court of appeals

Judicial restraint is the concept of

adhering to the original intent of the Constitution and laws.

Who would write a concurring opinion in a Supreme Court case?

a judge who agrees with the majority decision but wants to add extra


Who would file an amicus curiae brief with a court?

someone not directly involved in the case

Supreme Court justices are

nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

How many judges does the Supreme Court have?


In a majority of the cases it hears, the Supreme Court has

original jurisdiction

In a civil case, the party who files suit is the


The facts of a case are first heard in what jurisdiction?


What established the basic structure of the federal judiciary?

the Judiciary Act of 1789

Courts below the Supreme Court are created by


What department was created to unite the branches of the military?

Department of Defense

What is the largest branch of the United States military?


The United Nations was formed to promote

peace and order.

An American case involving a consul from another country would originally be heard in federal court.


The threat of Germany's interference in __________ ultimately brought the United States into World War I.

shipping in the North Atlantic

Congress creates special courts under what constitutional provision?

nominated by the Department of Justice and confirmed by the president

Foreign aid first became a key feature of American foreign policy in the 1940s.


A goal of the Monroe Doctrine was to protect the independence of other nations in the Western Hemisphere.


If a California resident sues another California resident regarding a federal land grant,

the case would originally be heard in federal court.

In the case of Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court upheld the concept of

judicial review.

Adhering to the original intent of the Constitution and laws is the concept of

judicial restraint.

The way that most cases reach the Supreme Court is

by writ of certiorari.

The push for an Open Door Policy with China was intended to protect American


What term means the same as discretionary spending?

controllable spending

Gross domestic product is measured by

the value of all goods and services produced in the country.

Type of jurisdiction means that only a federal court can hear a case?

exclusive jurisdiction

__________ created the federal courts below the Supreme Court.


The principle of deterrence played a significant role in managing foreign relations between the United States and

the Soviet Union.

If a resident of one state sues a resident of another state,

a federal court would have original jurisdiction.

The Federal Reserve Board is responsible for what type of policy?


If a citizen of one city robbed a store in another city in the same state,

the case would be heard in a state court.

What Supreme Court justice wrote the Marbury v. Madison ruling?

John Marshall

There are __________ on the United States Supreme Court.

9 justices

The main focus of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect

domestic security.

The federal judiciary's structure was established by

the Judiciary Act of 1789.

A concurring opinion is one that

agrees with the majority opinion.

Some independent agencies are government corporations.


An amicus curiae brief would most likely be filed by

a person not directly involved in a case.

Every federal judicial district has

at least one bankruptcy judge.

The Supreme Court usually exercises what type of jurisdiction?


The September 11, 2001 attack on the United States was carried out by terrorists supported by

the Taliban.

The plaintiff is the person who __________ in a civil case.

files suit

Public debt is defined as

money borrowed by the government plus interest

Isolationism is the policy of

avoiding involvement in other countries' affairs.

Israel was established as an independent state by this organization.

United Nations

Diplomatic immunity to ambassadors usually means

they are not subject to the laws or taxes.

A court with __________ jurisdiction would hear a case for the first time.


What department is most instrumental in establishing relationships with other countries?

Department of State

What statement explains progressive taxes?

a tax that charges a higher percentage as income increases

Friday, April 15, 2016

Citizens who lose their citizenship involuntarily must go through


Who would most likely write a concurring opinion in a Supreme Court case?

a justice who agrees with the majority opinion but wants to add extra insights

The Supreme Court usually exercises which type of jurisdiction?


The maximum penalty for treason is

life in prison.

The 15th Amendment prohibited

voter discrimination based on race.

What is the primary role of the 14th Amendment?

to apply much of the Bill of Rights to the states

Someone may be held without bail before trial by using

preventive detention.

The ________ Amendment to the Constitution guarantees citizens the right of freedom of speech.


If a resident of one state sues a resident of another state

a state court would have original jurisdiction.

Courts below the Supreme Court are created by


Someone accused of a crime may be informed of the charges by an indictment or _______


What Supreme Court justice wrote the Marbury v. Madison ruling?

John Marshall

What Amendments protect some forms of commercial speech?

1st and 14th

Matters of sexual equality and racial equality were addressed by

the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

All Supreme Court justices must be ________ before sitting on the bench.

nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate

"Separate but equal" facilities were rejected by

the Brown v. Board of Education case.

The 14th Amendment applies the principle of due process to the states.


Every federal judicial district has

at least one bankruptcy judge.

The Supreme Court upheld the concept of ____________ with the case of Marbury v. Madison.

judicial review

If an ambassador from Chile sued a resident of New York,

the case would be heard in a federal court.

Women gained the right to vote with the passage of

the 19th Amendment.

Emphasizing the intent of the Framers of the Constitution and sticking to its original intent

is an example of judicial restraint.

The case of Gitlow v. New York did what?

began the process of incorporation

Original jurisdiction is exercised by the Supreme Court when

a state or certain public officials are named as parties.

A court with ________ jurisdiction would hear a case for the first time.


The 13th Amendment outlaws


An amicus curiae brief would most likely be filed by

a person not directly involved in a case.

Congress creates special courts under which Constitutional provision?

Article I, Clause 8, Section 9

A legislative act that pronounces punishment without trial is

a bill of attainder.

A legislative act that pronounces punishment without trial is

a bill of attainder.

Discussion of public affairs is protected as a form of

free speech

The rational basis test is

used to decide most equal protection cases.

When determining if a parochial school can receive aid, the ________ is used.

Lemon test

Only a federal court may hear a case if it has

exclusive jurisdiction.

Habeas corpus does what?

prevents unjust imprisonment

The federal judiciary's structure was established by

the Judiciary Act of 1789.

The 4th Amendment protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures.


The way that most cases reach the Supreme Court is

by writ of certiorari.

Civil liberties are

protections from the government's power.

What constitutes treason?

giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States

What amendment protects citizens from self-incrimination?

5th Amendment

There are ___________ on the United States Supreme Court.

9 justices

If a resident of Kearney, Nebraska robs a store in Omaha, Nebraska,

a state court would have original jurisdiction.