Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Between 1919 and 1920 in the United States, the Palmer Raids were

federal government raids in search of anarchists and radicals.

She was the first women elected to Congress in 1916 and opposed declaring war on Germany.

Jeannette Rankin

The chief business of the American people is business. The american president who spoke these words in a 1925 speech expressing his economic policies was

Calvin Coolidge

The explosion of African-American music and literature in the 1920s was known as

the Harlem Renaissance

The incident that promoted many American cities to adopt the commission form of city government was

the hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas, in 1900

The organization that revived in 1915 with an agenda to promote hatred of Jews, Catholics, immigrants and African Americans was the

Ku Klux Klan

During the late nineteeth century, American farmers favored using silver as United states currency as well as gold because

they felt it would make american farm products more attractive to foreign buyers.

This muckraker targeted John D. Rockefellar and his standard Oil Company's ruthless methods used to destroy his competition.

Ida Tarbell

The progressive movement election reform that allowed voters to vote to select nominees for upcoming elections was and is

the direct primary

As the United States Senate debated approval of the Versailles Treaty in the fall of 1919, President Woodrow Wilson was not able personally to fight for the treaty because

he suffered a stroke after a cross-country train trip to campaign for the treaty

In order to secure control of the land for the construction of the Panama Canal, the United States...

Orchestrated a revolution in Panama against Columbia and negotiated a deal with the Panamanians

In 1912, after being infuriated by President Taft's policies, Teddy Roosevelt ran on a platform he called what, which was a program designed to restore the governmetnt's trust-busting power.

New Nationalism

The late nineteeth century president who attained a reputation for integrity in a period full of corrupt politicians was

Grover Cleveland

The industralist who introduced the concept of mass production to the manufacturing of sutomobiles in the early twentieth century was

Henry Ford

How did the sinking of the Lustitania affect attitudes toward World War I?

It turned public opinion against Germany

The Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed in order to

fight against the drinking of alchol

The idea that the Biblical teachings of charity and justice should be the bases of the reform of american public policy was known as

the social Gospel

Augusto Sandino from Nicaragua felt that the United States policy known as the Roosevelt Corollary, threatened the sovereignty of his people, and eventually led a rebellion against marines in the 20s.


The Western front in World War I consisted of how many miles of trenches


Built in the early 1930s, one of the few projects during the Hoover administration that succeeded in creating jobs in its construction and its aftermath was

the Hoover Dam

This African American leader from Jamaica promoted the idea of black nationalism and a back to Africa movement.

Marcus Garvey

New laws passed mostly in Southern states after the conclusion of the Civil War and designed to restrict rights of black citizens were kown collectively as

Jim Crow Laws

After the German government vowed to stop attacking passanger ships with its submarines. President Woodrow Wilson successfully campaigned for re-election in 1916 by using this slogan.

He kept us out of the War

The Committee on Public information created during World War I was in charge of

educating the public on the causes of war and garner support

The 1920 trial of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti was an example of a wave of widespread fear of communists and radicals that became known as the

Red Scare

In January, 1918, president Woodrow Wilson spoke to Congress and outlined his vision of what the post-World War I world would look like. His plan became known as

the Fourteen Points

One of the most secret societies in china were "the Righteous and Harmonious Fists also known as

the Boxers

What was the most famous criminal of the prohibition era; running illegal bars, prostitution rings, and gambling establishments until his conviction in 1931.

Al Capone

Alaska came into the possesion of the United States in 1867 when

Secretary of States William Seaward arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia

The biggest impact of the Ford Motor Company's Model T automobile was that

it made the automobile affordable for the average american

Released in 1927, the first motion picture with sound synchronized to the action was

The Jazz singer

The federal government agency created in 1914 to monitor false advertising, dishonest labeling, and monpolistic business practices was the

Federal Trade Commission

The thousands of out-of-work World War I veterans who marched in Washington in 1932 demanding payments that had been promised by Congress were known as

the Bonus Army

You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold. The populist party leader who spoke these words in 1896 was

Williams Jennings Bryan

The event that caused the United States to send troops to fight Spanish troops in Cuba in 1898 was

an explosion on board the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor that sank the ship

Differing from W.E.B. Dubois, civil rights leader Booker T. Washington believed that

blacks should work hard and well in common laboring jobs and assimilate into middle class society.

The national organization founded in 1913 to fight against discrimination against American Jews was the

Anti-Defamation League

Ocurring in 1917, this was the main reason why Russia pulled out of World War I.

They had a revolution

Farmers who objected to the lack of funds available to them to borrow formed a third political party for the 1892 presidential election known as

the populist party

Bernard Baruch, an influential Wall Street investment broker, headed what during World War I?

the War industries board

The worst disease pandemic of the twentieth century killed millions worldwide at the end of World War 1.


In the mid-1930s, the combination of drought and wind in the Midwest created an economically and socially devastatinig condition that became known as

the dust bowl

The United States governement decided to overthrow the government of Hawaiian Quenn Liliuokalani in 1893

she abolished the Hawaiian constitution that had given power to American sugar farmers of Hawaii.

Teddy Roosevelt, once elected, promised a square dealm to Americans. Its goal was to

keep the corporations from taking advantage of the small businesses.

The National reclmation Act of 1902 gave the federal government the power to

manage water resources, particularly in the American west

During the depression local, state, and federal governments began encouraging Mexican immigrants to


In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese exclusion act beacuse

many felt Chinese workers were taking American jobs.

During the late nineteenth century, Republicans argued that a high tariff on imported goods would...

make domestically-produced goods cheaper than imported goods.