Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Industry had what effect on the South and its economy?

It made cotton the dominant cash crop.

Triangular trade was

a trade network that brought slaves to the Americas.

Why was the War of 1812 significant to the United States?

It showed that the nation seemed certain to endure.

In what colony, in 1775, would you most likely find majority support for the king?

Like Bacon, patriots felt that taxes paid by them unjustly benefited a few wealthy people.

A person would join a utopian society in order to

be free from religious and social persecution.

What nation did the least to aid the American revolutionary cause?


What event did the least to help the United States realize Manifest Destiny?

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

Federalists wanted

a strong central government.

What American city was burned by the British during the War of 1812?

Washington, D. C.

The method used by slaves to rebel against their masters that was rarely noticed was

slow work.

Why did railroads have a greater impact on American society than canals and steamboats?

Railroads cost less to build, and trains provided faster transport.

What concession did Alexander Hamilton give to southern states in order to pass his economic agenda?

Location of the national capital further south.

What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not levy or collect taxes from the states.

Friday, May 2, 2014

In order to calm Americans who were panicked about the banking crisis in March of 1933, the first action taken by new president Franklin Roosevelt was to

get Congress to pass the Emergency Banking Bill.

The explosion of African-American music and literature in the 1920s was known as

the Harlem Renaissance.

The 1905 Niagara Movement was launched by black intellectuals in order to

encourage talented black students to study the arts, history, and literature to help to create black thinkers.

In the late nineteenth century, many Americans, particularly in the West, objected to the presence of Chinese immigrants because

they felt the Chinese had taken "white" jobs.

The American military commander who led the American Expeditionary Force of troops to Europe in World War I was

John J. Pershing.

In the 1896 presidential election, most of William Jennings Bryan's Populist support came from

rural areas in the South and Midwest.

The muckraking author whose novel, The Jungle, exposed the dangerous and unsanitary working conditions in Chicago's meat packing industry was

Upton Sinclair

In the early 20th century, Jane Addams opened Hull House in Chicago in order to

provide refuge for the urban poor, with housing, child care and instruction in English for immigrants.

In July, 1945, the first successful explosion of an atomic bomb took place in

near Alamagordo, New Mexico

The national pension system for the elderly created by the Roosevelt administration in 1935 was

the Social Security Administration.

In the mid-1930s, the combination of drought and wind in the Midwest created an economically and socially devastating condition that became known as

the Dust Bowl.

The large American corporation that was judged a monopoly under the provisions of the Sherman Antitrust Act by the Supreme Court and broken up into smaller companies in 1911 was

Standard Oil.

In June, 1942, the turning point of World War II in the Pacific against Japan, when American forces stopped the advance of the Japanese toward the American west coast, was the

Battle of Midway.

The first uniquely American music form emerged in the South and the Midwest during the 1920s in African-American communities and was known as


The organization created after World War II to try to defuse potential military conflicts around the world before they became wars was

the United Nations.

Adolf Hitler's ideas on race, nationalism, and religious intolerance were spelled out in his 1925 publication entitled

Mein Kampf.

When President Franklin Roosevelt died in April, 1945, the Midwesterner who became the new president of the United States was

Harry Truman.

Creativity, determination, enthusiasm, and responsibility are just some of the __________ found in successful entrepreneurs.

personal characteristics

An energy-efficient workplace can be accomplished by


Suppose a lawn care business sells equipment as well as providing services. The owner has been offered a percentage of sales he makes on mowers. Would this situation create a conflict of interest?


Manufacturers typically buy components from


Generosity, obeying the law, and responsible behavior are considered

universal values.

Competition between suppliers causes

prices to be pushed downward.

A trade barrier is a governmental restriction on

international trade.

Through a carbon offset you can "buy" a certain amount of carbon to help offset your

recycling requirements.

When there is not enough supply to meet demand, the result is a(n) __________ of those goods and services.


A code of ethics forces you to clarify your own principles and


A fee, similar to a tax, that importers pay is called a


If you can't meet your commitment after a negotiation, the best action is to

accept responsibility for the problem and try to correct it.

If you are able to do math easily or are mechanically minded, then you have a natural __________ for those items.


Each share in a corporation may earn its owner a(n) _____________, which is a portion of the corporation's profits.


Nonprofit organizations operate to serve

the good of society.

Being respectful of a country's customs, attitudes, and language when engaging in international trade is known as

business etiquette.

Learning about entrepreneurship often inspires people to think about their futures and what is important to them. Thinking of your future in this way is called a(n)


Most states and some local governments have licensing requirements for people who provide particular


A partnership between a business and a nonprofit group that benefits both is called

cause-related marketing.

A(n) __________________ is something you are willing to give up in a negotiation.


Business letters are used for…

longer or official messages.

Supply is the quantity of goods and services consumers are willing to buy at a specific price.


Typical products that are considered fair trade goods include

Farmed goods

The part of a business plan where you show projected figures including estimated sales and expenses is

Financial Strategies

Understanding how different countries deal with time, appointments, decision making, and negotiations is part of

negotiation etiquette.

What advantage does a sole proprietorship have over a corporation?

inexpensive to set up

Violating someone's exclusive rights on a product is called


"Doing well by doing good" is an advantage for businesses who practice

corporate social responsibility.

Social etiquette includes

being aware of cultural differences.

The period of time you have to act before an opportunity is lost is called the ___________ of opportunity.


One of the disadvantages of buying a franchise is

less entrepreneurial freedom.

What is an aptitude?

a natural ability to perform a task or job well

A business idea is a consumer need or want that can be met by a new business.


According to the United States Department of Labor, which type of industry will likely experience the largest growth in the number of employees through 2020?
