Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An import quota is when a country ____________ of a product that can be brought into the country for sale.

limits the number

What might happen if the government creates more money to cover a large deficit?


The Bretton Woods Conference led to the creation of ____________ tied to ____________.

fixed exchange rate system; U.S. dollars

The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act tried to prevent budget deficits by

creating automatic spending cuts if the deficit exceeded a certain amount.

_____________ was formed to create a free-trade zone linking the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.


The Office of _____________________ and Budget is responsible for preparing the President's budget and suggesting fiscal policies.


The _______________________ makes key decisions about interest rates and the growth of the United States money supply.

Federal Open Market Committee

The Federal Reserve Districts are made up of

the geographic areas into which the Federal Reserve Act divided the United States.

The charter of the Second Bank of the United States was not renewed in 1836 because

many people feared that the bank gave the government too much power.

_______________ allows countries to ___________________ some goods and trade for other s.

Trade; specialize in

National defense and education are examples of

National defense and education are examples of

A highway construction program is an example of a program in which costs are shared by

federal and state governments.

Which kind of tax is illegal in the United States?

export taxes on American products overseas

Business investment is encouraged when ______________ low because it is cheaper to borrow money.

interest rates are

A student from an LDC going to college in England and then finding an executive position in the United States is an example of

brain drain.

______________________________ are not always welcome because there is a fear that they will gain too much political power.

Multinational corporations

Imagine that a country is having trouble paying its debts, and the International Monetary Fund arranges a longer time period in which the debt may be paid. This situation is an example of

debt rescheduling.

How can the Federal Reserve slow an expanding economy that is causing high inflation?

cut the money supply

What is one major argument against a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget?

It would make it hard for the government to respond to rapid changes in the economy.

What is an example of an international institution?

International Monetary Fund

The most serious types of crimes are called


A city becomes a legal body through the process of incorporation, which is granted by the

state government

Who was the primary author of the declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

What Amendment extended the right to vote to women in the US.


The term democracy means

rule by the people

What does the Necessary and Proper Clause of the United States Constitution mean?

The National government can only exercise implied powers.

The major role that political parties fill is

nominating candidates

in a two candidate race for one office, a voter has how many options?


School districts, utilities and airports are examples of services that are sometimes provided by

special districts

A grant in support of health care is an example of

categorical grant

the Albany Plan of Union may be considered a forerunner to the declaration of Independence because

it proposed allowing greater freedom and greater responsibillities for the coonies.

The ability to enforce laws and public policies is called

judicial power

under the United States Constitution, expressed powers are

primarily found in Article I, Section 8.

The most major contributions to political parties are made at which level?


The 26th Amendment set the minimum voting age at


Women were granted the right to vote by which Amendment to the Constitution?


Citizens cast their ballots at

polling places

What is the institution through which society makes and enforces laws?


How did the Magna Carta and the petition of right influence the American revolutionaries?

These documents suggested that government should be limited.

Who formally selects the president of the Unites States?

the electoral college

The most that any person can donate to a national party committee in the United States is


The power to set voting qualifications is reserved for the

state governments

John Locke was a political philosopher from


A change to the written words in the Constitution is called

an amendment

In the case of Puerto Rico v. Branstad, the supreme court reversed their previous decision in the case of

Kentucky v. Dennison

Why were the articles of confederation created to be intentionally weak?

The second Continental congress did not want too much power in a central government.

The United States federal government has

three separate but equally powerful branches

The naming of those who will seek office is called


The two ways for voters to take part in the lawmaking process

initiative and referendum

What does the supremacy clause of the United States constitution mean?

The Constitution, which recognizes national and state governments, is supreme.

Why would the Constitutional framers agree to the three-fifths compromise?

so southern states would agree to ratify the constitution

What is the greatest source of income for most local governments?

property taxes

How many widely accepted theories exist as to why governments came into being?


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

From the Congo, the Belgians exploited the Congo and Congolese natives in its central African colony by extracting

rubber, ivory, and copper.

The Swedish chemist who invented dynamite in 1866 and left the fortune he made from its production to a foundation that awards prizes for peaceful pursuits was

Alfred Nobel.

In 1893, Americans deposed the Hawaiian monarch because

the Hawaiian queen had threatened to nationalize American pineapple and sugar operations in Hawaii.

In 1839, British forces began a war with the Chinese over British access to Chinese ports in order to protect the British trade in


In 1856, Australia became the first nation in the world to use a new political mechanism known as

the secret ballot.

The German chancellor who helped to unify the numerous German states into a unified nation in 1870 was

Otto von Bismarck.

In the early 19th century, the British Corn Laws were

laws that imposed high tariffs on imported grains to protect British farmers from foreign competition.

The domination of all the aspects of a particular industry, such as was practiced by J.D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil in the late 19th century after the American Civil War, was known as


The Russian tsar who, for the first time in that country's history, freed the slave-like serfs in 1861 was

Tsar Alexander II.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Washington quickly became a senior officer in the colonial forces during the first stages of ___________________.

the French and Indian War.

Washington became personally and professionally attached to the powerful ____________.

William Fairfax

What best describes the United States's position in world trade?

It is a major importer and exporter

How do you calculate a nation's per capita GDP?

Divide a nation's gross domestic product by its population.

Economists that believe that the economy will correct itself quickly are known as

laissez-faire economists.

A "means-tested" program is one that gives _____________ to people with _________ income.

lower or no benefits; higher

An example of a regressive tax is when

you pay sales tax on items that you buy.

Money that is withheld from your paycheck to fund Social Security and Medicare is known as


______________________ government spending is an example of contractionary fiscal policy.


Banks create money by

lending money they are not required to hold in reserve.

Washington was born into the provincial gentry of ________________.

Colonial Virginia

Washington was born into the provincial gentry of ________________.

Colonial Virginia

________________ banks are required to join the Federal Reserve System.

Nationally chartered

An import quota is when a country ____________ of a product that can be brought into the country for sale.

limits the number

What might happen if the government creates more money to cover a large deficit?


The Bretton Woods Conference led to the creation of ____________ tied to ____________.

fixed exchange rate system; U.S. dollars

The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act tried to prevent budget deficits by

creating automatic spending cuts if the deficit exceeded a certain amount.

_____________ was formed to create a free-trade zone linking the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.


He oversaw the creation of a strong, well-financed national government that maintained neutrality in the wars raging in _________________, suppressed rebellion, and won acceptance among Americans of all types.


Washington was elected President as the unanimous choice of the electors in 1788, and he served ______________ in office.

two terms

The Office of _____________________ and Budget is responsible for preparing the President's budget and suggesting fiscal policies.


The Big Wig Company is one of the largest manufacturers in the country, but it paid very little in corporate income taxes last year. What is the most likely reason?

It claimed many deductions, which reduced its taxable income.

The _______________________ makes key decisions about interest rates and the growth of the United States money supply.

Federal Open Market Committee

The Federal Reserve Districts are made up of

the geographic areas into which the Federal Reserve Act divided the United States.

The charter of the Second Bank of the United States was not renewed in 1836 because

many people feared that the bank gave the government too much power.

National defense and education are examples of

discretionary spending.

A highway construction program is an example of a program in which costs are shared by

federal and state governments.

A student from an LDC going to college in England and then finding an executive position in the United States is an example of

brain drain.

______________________________ are not always welcome because there is a fear that they will gain too much political power.

Multinational corporations

Imagine that a country is having trouble paying its debts, and the International Monetary Fund arranges a longer time period in which the debt may be paid. This situation is an example of

debt rescheduling.

How can the Federal Reserve slow an expanding economy that is causing high inflation?

cut the money supply

What is one major argument against a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget?

It would make it hard for the government to respond to rapid changes in the economy.

What is an example of an international institution?

International Monetary Fund