Monday, March 24, 2014

The main components of the United Kingdom's parliamentary system of government are

the House of Lords and House of Commons.

The NRA (National Rifle Association) is an example of what type of interest group?

a single-interest group.

Japan is divided into local political divisions called


Centralization of power is a major feature of

a parliamentary government.

Japan has a young national constitution because

it was rewritten after WWII.

An example of an historical event that literally changed public opinion overnight was

the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.

Mexico has

multiple major political parties.

Comparative politics is

the study of different political systems.

An economic and political philosophy that states that wealth should be distributed equally throughout a society is called


Why was the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 passed?

Congress was closing loopholes in the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946.

The United Kingdom has undergone the process of


What is the leader of a parliamentary form of government called?

Prime Minister

Grassroots lobbying

involves the average voter

The Mexican constitution of 1917

was a revision of earlier documents.

The 1993 Russian constitution gives the central role of government to

the president.

The principles of perestroika and glasnost were instituted by


The Japanese government is best classified as

a parliamentary democracy.

China has how many provinces.


An example of an interest group could be

a teacher's union.

The Industrial Revolution spreading through Europe was the event that sparked the

beginning of the socialist movement.

The American Civil Liberties Union is an interest group that

promotes a cause or an idea.

The ability of people to be able to start and run their own businesses in a free enterprise economy is called

individual initiative

If one company becomes too successful in a capitalist economy and controls the market for a particular good or service, it is said to have

a monopoly.

Suppose that no group wins a majority of the seats in England's House of Commons during a general election. Several parties must cooperate to form a(n) _________ government.


The main difference between political parties and interest groups is

political parties make nominations for office while interest groups do not.

The main difference between a parliamentary and presidential system of government is

who elects the executive power in the government.

Socialist countries which provide extensive social services at little or no cost to their users are called

welfare states

How is Japan's parliament similar to the United States congress?

Both have two houses.

In 1989, President George H.W. Bush used American troops to arrest the president of Panama for trafficking in various drugs headed for the United States. That Panamanian president was

Manuel Noriega

During Democrat Bill Clinton's second term as president, he was impeached by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives because

he lied to a grand jury about having an affair with a female White House intern.

In September, 1962, rioting broke out at the University of Mississippi in Oxford because

students were protesting against the admission of an African American student to the all-white university.

In the 1962 Engel v. Vitale and 1963 Abington v Schempp cases, the United States Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, ruled that

teacher-led prayer and Bible readings in schools are violations of the First Amendment.

When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968, he was in Memphis to

rmake an appeal for peace to members of the all-white Memphis City Council.

The diplomatic concept of brinkmanship as practiced during the Cold War was

pushing a diplomatic situation to the crisis point to gain advantage for your side.

The American president who signed into law the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the act creating the Environmental Protection Agency was

Richard Nixon

The so-called Tonkin Gulf incident in August, 1964, marked a huge increase in the commitment of American troops to Vietnam by the Johnson administration. The incident

the attack on an American naval destroyer by Vietnam torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin.

The 1964 act of Congress that banned segregation in all public accommodations in the United States was

the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

During protests against the American incursion into Cambodia in May, 1970, six college students were shot to death at

the University of California and the University of Michigan.

n 1978, Congress created its environmental Superfund, a pool of money to be used to clean up extremely dangerous hazardous waste sites around the country.

the Love Canal

In 1963, in an effort to cool the strain of the nuclear competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Americans, the Soviets, and the British agreed to

swear off the use of nuclear weapons under any circumstances.

In 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to a large southern city to integrate forcibly the city's schools. That city was

Birmingham, Alabama.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the American government felt it had a compelling interest in the government of South Vietnam because

the South Vietnamese government was pro-American and the North Vietnamese government was pro-communist.

The California farm worker who helped to organize California fruit and vegetable pickers into the United Farm Workers union in the early 1960s was

Cesar Chavez

To try to limit the spread of communism in developing countries around the world, the Kennedy administration created a program

the Peace Corps

In 1954, a woman refused to yield her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, city bus, leading to the Montgomery bus boycott and launching the civil rights career of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Her name was

Rosa Parks.

American diplomat George Kennan's idea on how to deal with Soviet communism during the Cold War period involved

trying to "contain" communist governments within their existing borders.

ne of the biggest difficulties faced by American forces on the ground in Vietnam was

American forces often could not tell their friends from their enemies on the battlefield.

The Korean War began in 1950 when

North Korean forces, with the approval of Josef Stalin, launched a surprise attack across the border into South Korea.

The CBS news anchor whose 1968 on-air editorial against the Vietnam War is cited by many as tipping American public opinion against the war was

Walter Cronkite

The government agency created in the wake of the launch of Sputnik to coordinate all American space-related efforts was

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

In the 1984 presidential election, the Democratic candidate, former vice-president Walter Mondale, made history by

choosing Rep. Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate, the first female to be on a national ticket for the two major political parties.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What is a major export of Papua New Guinea?


A major part of New Zealand’s economy is the export of what?

wool and meat

Australia’s farming is limited by a lack of rainfall and

poor soils.

New Zealand’s best farming area is on the...

Canterbury Plains.

How were Tahiti and the Fiji Islands formed?

by volcanic eruptions

The height, or elevation, of an island is a major determining factor in

the amount of rainfall it receives.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Most of Antarctica is covered by

ice cap.

What was the result of Aboriginal lawsuits in recent years?

Aborigines have gained control over land.

Because New Zealand lies on a fault line, it has

volcanoes and geysers.

What is a major export of Papua New Guinea?

food products

How were Tahiti and the Fiji Islands formed?

by volcanic eruptions

The main food source for many larger species of Antarctic animals is


What islands were formed by the rising and folding of rock from the ocean floor?

continental islands

The three largest ethnic groups in Oceania are

Melanesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians.

As a result of the Galveston hurricane in 1900, many American cities adopted

a commission form of government.

The future American president who commanded troops in the field during the Spanish-American War was

Theodore Roosevelt.

During the post-Civil War period between 1870 and 1895, United States farmers borrowed more money from banks because

farmers had to produce more grain to make money.

The civil service system created by the Pendleton Act in 1883 was passed in order to

put qualified people into government jobs, no matter what their political party.

During economic hard times in the Great Depression, movies such as Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz offered Americans a means of

escapism from the concerns of their lives.

The worst scandal to occur during the Warren G. Harding administration was the Teapot Dome Scandal, which involved

bribes paid to government officials in the Harding administration for oil leases on government land.

The worst scandal to occur during the Warren G. Harding administration was the Teapot Dome Scandal, which involved

bribes paid to government officials in the Harding administration for oil leases on government land.

The worst scandal to occur during the Warren G. Harding administration was the Teapot Dome Scandal, which involved

bribes paid to government officials in the Harding administration for oil leases on government land.

The Sixteenth Amendment, approved in 1913, allowed Congress to create

a national income tax.

The December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese was launched from

Japanese aircraft carriers.

The Great Depression was ended once and for all by

United States involvement in World War II.

The first nationally prominent African-American leader to advocate black pride and a separation of races in the United States was

Marcus Garvey.

The late 19th century American concept that new ideas and honest, efficient government could bring about social justice was


The Great Depression was ended once and for all by

United States involvement in World War II.

The first nationally prominent African-American leader to advocate black pride and a separation of races in the United States was

Marcus Garvey.

The late 19th century American concept that new ideas and honest, efficient government could bring about social justice was


At the Potsdam Conference just outside Berlin in July 1945, American President Harry Truman, Soviet leader Josef Stalin, and British Prime Minister Clement Atlee agreed to

divide Germany and the city of Berlin into American, French, British, and Soviet zones.

The trial of high school biology teacher John T. Scopes in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925 drew nationwide attention because

it put the issue of evolution on trial.

In order to secure control of the land for the construction of the Panama Canal, the United States

orchestrated a revolution in Panama against Colombia and negotiated a deal with the Panamanians.

In January, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson spoke to Congress and outlined his vision of what the post- World War I world would look like. His plan became known as

the Fourteen Points.

Differing from W.E.B. DuBois, civil rights leader Booker T. Washington believed that

blacks should work hard and well in common laboring jobs and assimilate into middle class society.

New laws passed mostly in Southern states after the conclusion of the Civil War and designed to restrict rights of black citizens were known collectively as

Jim Crow laws.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

In January, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson spoke to Congress and outlined his vision of what the post- World War I world would look like. His plan became known as

the Fourteen Points.

Differing from W.E.B. DuBois, civil rights leader Booker T. Washington believed that

blacks should work hard and well in common laboring jobs and assimilate into middle class society.

New laws passed mostly in Southern states after the conclusion of the Civil War and designed to restrict rights of black citizens were known collectively as

Jim Crow laws.

The worst disease pandemic of the twentieth century killed millions worldwide at the end of World War I. This disease was


The national pension system for the elderly created by the Roosevelt administration in 1935 was

the Social Security Administration.

The battleship that was sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, killing more than 1100 American servicemen on board and that remains there today as a war memorial, was and is the

USS Arizona.

Congress initially created an import tax, or tariff, in order to

try to make domestic goods produced by young American industries cheaper than imported goods.

John Steinbeck's 1939 novel describing the Depression-related woes of the Joads, an Oklahoma family forced to leave their farm and move to California in search of work, was

The Grapes of Wrath.

After the Americans entered World War II in early 1942, the Americans and the British attacked German cities daily using

around-the-clock saturation bombing of German cities.

The Lend-Lease Act, passed by Congress in March, 1941, allowed the American government to

lease or lend American military equipment to Great Britain and other allies fighting against the
Germans in Europe.

After the German government vowed to stop attacking passenger ships with its submarines, President Woodrow Wilson successfully campaigned for re-election in 1916 by using the slogan

"He kept us out of the war."

When President Franklin Roosevelt died in April, 1945, the Midwesterner who became the new president of the United States was

Harry Truman.

Approved by Congress in 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority was created to

provide cheap electrical power and jobs to areas in the Tennessee River valley.

The turning point in the war in the Pacific Ocean against the Japanese was

the destruction of four Japanese aircraft carriers during the Battle of Midway.

Around the turn of the century in 1900, "muckrakers" were individuals who

investigated abuses launched against the public in general and against poor immigrants in particular.

German dictator Adolf Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini were able to invade and occupy other countries in the 1930's without fear, in large part because

of the weakness of the League of Nations, created by the 1919 Versailles Treaty.

The Neutrality Act of 1939 allowed European nations at war to buy supplies from the United States if

they paid cash up front and transported the materials themselves.

In 1938, Democrats suffered huge losses at the polls in Congressional elections because

the unemployment rate rose drastically in the months prior to the election.

The shantytowns and campgrounds where many homeless Americans sought shelter during the early years of the Great Depression became known as


The shantytowns and campgrounds where many homeless Americans sought shelter during the early years of the Great Depression became known as


The shantytowns and campgrounds where many homeless Americans sought shelter during the early years of the Great Depression became known as


The shantytowns and campgrounds where many homeless Americans sought shelter during the early years of the Great Depression became known as


The shantytowns and campgrounds where many homeless Americans sought shelter during the early years of the Great Depression became known as


The last major and ultimately unsuccessful German counter-offensive of World War II in December, 1944, and January, 1945, to try to stop the Allied advance into Germany was

the Battle of the Bulge.

The civil rights organization formed in 1909 after white rioters killed two people and burned forty homes in Springfield, Illinois, was

the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The New Deal agency created to build dams, create jobs, and provide electricity for the American South was

the Tennessee Valley Authority.

In the late nineteenth century, American farmers became increasingly disillusioned with American elected officials because

more and more elected officials were coming from cities and not rural areas.

The series of 1935 laws under Adolf Hitler's government imposing work, social, and educational restrictions on German Jews were calledkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

the Nuremberg Laws.

After the death of President Roosevelt in 1945, Congress passed, and state legislatures approved, the Twenty-second Amendment to the Constitution, which

limited a president to two terms.

The biggest impact of the Ford Motor Company's Model T automobile was that

it made the automobile affordable for the average American.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The government agency created in the wake of the launch of Sputnik to coordinate all American space-related efforts was

the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

In the 1984 presidential election, the Democratic candidate, former vice-president Walter Mondale, made history by

choosing Rep. Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate, the first female to be on a national ticket for the two major political parties.

Before his career in politics, President Ronald Reagan was

a Hollywood actor and television host.

The 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago was unique because

the riots and protests in the streets outside the convention hall captured the most attention.

When President Ronald Reagan sent 800 Marines to Lebanon to serve as peacekeepers in the bloody Lebanese civil war in 1982, the troops would be withdrawn by early 1984 because

a truck bomb killed 241 Marines in the apartment block where the American forces were staying in Beirut.

President Lyndon Johnson's program to put an end to poverty and racial injustice and to provide an opportunity for every child was known as

the Great Society

One of the first secret operations that involved the overthrow of a foreign government by the newly-created Central Intelligence Agency was successfully conducted in 1953 in


The Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, became a monument to the protests during the Civil Rights Movement in 1965 when

Alabama state troopers beat civil rights marchers with ropes, whip, and clubs, and used tear gas to try to break up the march.

The 1972 Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT) between the Soviet Union and the United States helped to ease tensions in the Cold War because

both sides agreed to freeze the deployment of nuclear missiles

Since 1962, the Special Olympics has conducted athletic competitions for young people with physical and mental disabilities. The Special Olympics was first organized by

Eunice Kennedy Shriver

The "war on terror" began after

four teams of Al-Qaeda members commandeered American passenger planes and attacked buildings in New York City and Washington, DC, killing nearly 3,000 people.

The feminist movement that began in the 1960s sought to

achieve political, social, and economic equality for women in the United States.

As a direct result of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, President George W. Bush ordered

the invasion of Afghanistan to try to eliminate the Al-Qaeda base of operations.

The Warren Commission, which investigated the November, 1963, assassination of President John Kennedy, concluded that

Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and fired the shot that killed the president.

Critics of the Selective Service System, the federal agency that ran the military draft in the Vietnam War era, said the draft was not fair because

you could avoid military service if you were enrolled in college.

The turning point in the war in the Pacific Ocean against the Japanese was

the atomic bombing of Hiroshima

The last major and ultimately unsuccessful German counter-offensive of World War II in December, 1944, and January, 1945, to try to stop the Allied advance into Germany was

the Battle of the Bulge.

The first uniquely American music form emerged in the South and the Midwest during the 1920s in African-American communities and was known as


The industrialist who introduced the concept of mass production to the manufacturing of automobiles in the early twentieth century was

Henry Ford

The shantytowns and campgrounds where many homeless Americans sought shelter during the early years of the Great Depression became known as


The United States gained control of Puerto Rico, the Philippine Islands, Cuba, and Guam in 1898

after the defeat of Spanish forces in the Spanish-American War.

The immediate causes of the Great Depression in 1929 and in the early 1930s were

the October, 1929, stock market crash and subsequent bank failures.

The civil service system created by the Pendleton Act in 1883 was passed in order to do what?

The civil service system created by the Pendleton Act in 1883 was passed in order to do what?

put qualified people into government jobs, no matter what their political party.

The civil service system created by the Pendleton Act in 1883 was passed in order to do what?

American forces in the Pacific were able to communicate with each other using a code that was never broken. The individuals who carried out this unique program were

United States Marines who spoke the Navajo language

The two large financial institutions created by the western allies, even before World War II was over, to encourage global economic and financial stability in the post-war period, were

the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

In the fall of 1941, German leader Adolf Hitler ordered his submarines to attack American ships in the North Atlantic Ocean because

American warships were escorting ships carrying arms to the British.

The last two Japanese-held islands taken by American forces in the "island-hopping" campaign in the western Pacific in 1945 were

Saipan and Tinian