Friday, February 28, 2014

The 1938 Munich Pact, in which France and Great Britain gave away the Sudetenland in order to prevent war with Hitler's Germany, is often held up as an example of the policy of


Nazi leaders who had served in important posts in Adolf Hitler's government were put on trial for war crimes in 1946 at


President Theodore Roosevelt's progressive plan to protect the interests of small business owners and average Americans was the

Square Deal

The Progressive movement election reform that allowed voters to remove an elected official from office was and is

the recall vote

Those Americans who believed the Anglo-Saxon race had been chosen by God to civilize the "weaker races" followed the beliefs of

Social Darwinism

At the start of World War I in the summer of 1914, the position of the United States on the war was officially


After the Roosevelt administration in the 1930's, most African Americans changed their voting preferences and began to vote for


Differing from W.E.B. DuBois, civil rights leader Booker T. Washington believed that

blacks should work hard and well in common laboring jobs and assimilate into middle class society.

The Sixteenth Amendment, approved in 1913, allowed Congress to create what?

a national income tax

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"The chief business of the American people is business." The American president who spoke these words in a 1925 speech expressing his economic policies was

Calvin Coolidge

In 1919–1920 in the United States, the Palmer Raids were

federal government raids in search of anarchists and radicals.

The 1906 law that sought to regulate the contents of over-the-counter patent medicines and the safety of the American food supply was

The Pure Food and Drug Act.

President Theodore Roosevelt's "corollary" to the 1823 Monroe Doctrine was

his belief that the United States should be the policeman of the western hemisphere.

Because the United States Supreme Court had ruled against many of his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt responded by

trying to create six new seats on the Court to fill with his appointees

The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, passed in 1919 did what?

allowed women the right to vote.

The Civilian Conservation Corps was created to

put unemployed young men to work in national parks and other rural areas.

In 1919–1920 in the United States, the Palmer Raids were

federal government raids in search of anarchists and radicals.

The 1906 law that sought to regulate the contents of over-the-counter patent medicines and the safety of the American food supply was

The Pure Food and Drug Act.

President Theodore Roosevelt's "corollary" to the 1823 Monroe Doctrine was

his belief that the United States should be the policeman of the western hemisphere.

Because the United States Supreme Court had ruled against many of his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt responded by doing what?

trying to create six new seats on the Court to fill with his appointees.

The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, passed in 1919, allowed what?

allowed women the right to vote

The Civilian Conservation Corps was created to do what?

put unemployed young men to work in national parks and other rural areas.

The Civilian Conservation Corps was created to do what?

put unemployed young men to work in national parks and other rural areas.

The event that caused the United States to send troops to fight Spanish troops in Cuba in 1898 was

an explosion on board the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor that sank the ship

Adolf Hitler's ideas on race, nationalism, and religious intolerance were spelled out in his 1925 publication entitled

Mein Kampf

The battleship that was sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, killing more than 1100 American servicemen on board and that remains there today as a war memorial, was and is the

USS Arizona

The African-American newspaper publisher in Memphis, Tennessee, who was an outspoken critic against the practice of lynching was

Ida B. Wells

The issue of whether the United States' import tariff, or tax, should be high or low first appeared in public policy debates in what year?

in the 1790s between Hamilton's Federalists and Jefferson's Republicans.

American farmers grew concerned about doing business in the 1870s and 1880s because of what reason?

their cost of production was more than the prices they were being paid for their crops and animals.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bridge like structure that carries water from mountains to the city


One of the two main elected officials of the Roman Republic


A nation in which the citizens elect their leaders


A member of one of Rome's wealthiest families


a ruler who had total power


Around the turn of the century in 1900, "muckrakers" were individuals who

investigated abuses launched against the public in general and against poor immigrants in particular.

The civil rights organization founded in 1920 to defend the Constitutional rights of citizens, regardless of their politics, was the

American Civil Liberties Union

After the Americans entered World War II in early 1942, the Americans and the British attacked German cities daily using

around-the-clock saturation bombing of German cities.

In order to prevent depositors from losing their money in the event of a bank failure, the Roosevelt administration created a new agency known as

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Director Frank Capra's 1939 film, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, focused on the strength of average Americans who did what?

successfully fought against corruption

"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." The Populist Party leader who spoke these words in 1896 was

William Jennings Bryan.

The series of 1935 laws under Adolf Hitler's government imposing work, social, and educational restrictions on German Jews were called

the Nuremberg Laws

The series of 1935 laws under Adolf Hitler's government imposing work, social, and educational restrictions on German Jews were called

the Nuremberg Laws

The series of 1935 laws under Adolf Hitler's government imposing work, social, and educational restrictions on German Jews were called

the Nuremberg Laws

In the fall of 1941, the German navy violated American neutrality by doing what?

torpedoing three American ships in the north Atlantic Ocean.

What is the worldwide struggle between France and Britain called?

Seven Years War.

Monday, February 24, 2014

_____ allows distant objects appear to appear further away in paintings.


Gold and silver brought back to Europe from the colonies caused what to happen?

the price revolution in Europe.

_____ is the belief that a nation’s wealth is measured by its gold and silver.


In his writings, Thomas Hobbes believed that _____ was/were necessary for an orderly society.

social contract

Who is considered to be the most autocratic ruler during Europe’s reign of absolute monarchs?

Peter the Great of Russia

During the reign of Louis XVI, how were estates defined?

one’s social class

What is considered a reason the American colonists revolted against the British?

lack of adequate representation in Parliament

What is considered a reason the American colonists revolted against the British?

The _____ system allowed conquistadors to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans.


What nation provided the most support to the colonists in their struggle for independence?


Colonies were important to the ideal of mercantilism because of what reason?

they provided all the raw materials for the parent country.

Instead of reaching the _____, Christopher Columbus actually landed on what we call the _____.

East Indies, Caribbean

What group of people supported the French republic?


The English Civil War was fought between what two groups of people?

Cavaliers and Roundheads

What idea is the most consistent with the economic concept of mercantilism?

Overseas colonies exist to benefit the parent country.

The African slave trade was what?

extremely lucrative.

Renaissance thinkers viewed the classic art and literature of ancient ____ with a renewed admiration.


European colonization in the Americas increased slave trade because of what reason?

plantation owners in the Americas needed workers.

What term best describes the term given to the top of the middle class in France late 1700s?


Individual talents and creativity most closely agree with what Renaissance philosophy?


What are the three largest ethnic groups in Oceania?

Melanesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians.

What is the Australian outback?

a vast area of plains and plateaus that is largely flat and dry.

Early Australian colonies were set up as what?

prison colonies.

The world’s largest coral reef lies off the coast of what country?


Australia and New Zealand were once _________ colonies.


Most of Antarctica is covered by what?

ice cap.

What islands were formed by the rising and folding of rock from the ocean floor?

continental islands

Nuclear radiation and phosphate mining are serious environmental issues in


What island is part of Australia?


What was the main reason for the decline of the native populations in Australia and New Zealand during the period of colonization?

The people had no resistance to European diseases.

Australia and New Zealand have what kind of government?

parliamentary democracy

What is the Great Dividing Range?

an escarpment.

What is the main food source for many larger species of Antarctic animals?


What was the result of Aboriginal lawsuits in recent years?

Aborigines have gained control over land.

What product is exported out of Papua New Guinea?


A major part of New Zealands economy is the export of what?

wool and meat.

Australia’s farming is limited by a lack of rainfall and

poor soils.

Where is New Zealand’s best farming area?

Canterbury Plains.

How were Tahiti and the Fiji Islands formed?

by volcanic eruptions

The height, or elevation, of an island is a major determining factor in

the amount of rainfall it receives.

The height, or elevation, of an island is a major determining factor in

the amount of rainfall it receives.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What best describes what Lutherans believe about the idea of how faith is revealed?

People read and interpret the Bible.

Laissez-faire is defined as

allowing businesses to operate with little or no government interference.

In France, _____ was directed against those who resisted the French Revolution.

the Reign of Terror

Under the structure of federal republic, which branch has the most power?

none; it is shared

A king claiming to have divine right is referring to what?

the belief that they rule with God’s permission

What best describes Williams Shakespeare’s works?

Shakespeare’s work explores the complexity of everyday individuals.

What is a contributing factor that set the stage for the Protestant Reformation?

selling of indulgences

One reason Mughal India was the center of the luxuries trade was because of what?

its textiles

What describes why Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church to run the Church of England?

He rejected the sacraments of the Catholic Church.

What was the order of the social class in the Spanish America during the 1500s?

peninsualres, creoles, mestizos, Native Americans

The Mediterranean climate in Europe is characterized by what?

warm summers with cool winters.

During the Industrial Revolution in England what did coal mines prompt?

coal reserves prompted the rise of steel mills.

How much land has the Dutch reclaimed?

The Dutch have reclaimed over one-fifth of their land from the sea, lakes, and swamps.

How is the climate in Northern Eurasia and Central Europe?

Most of eastern Russia has a subarctic climate.

Life in modern Russia is characterized by what?

Almost 75% of the people live in urban areas.

How is the economic growth of Western Europe?

Economic growth has encouraged people to travel from all over the world seeking employment.

How is the southern region of Italy?

The port city of Naples suffers from some of the worst poverty in Europe.

What resource-rich regions lie along the Rhine River in eastern France?

Alsace and Lorraine


Important economic activities in Luxembourg include high tech firms and service industries.

The group that fueled the investment of industry in America most was


How did Angel Island and Ellis Island differ?

Immigrants were often detained for weeks and months at Angel Island.

Industrialization impacted Americans in numerous significant ways, including

linking world markets.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why did southern farmers oppose Alexander Hamilton's plans for the economy?

They did not want to pay taxes to help the northern states.

Before 1760, colonists asserted their independent nature most notably by

only allowing their colonial assemblies to tax them.

In order to fully adopt a utopian lifestyle, a person would need to

live in a small, separatist community

 utopian lifestyle

A main reason for Spanish colonization was to

set up farming communities with which to trade.

According to the Declaration of Independence, people have

unalienable rights.

The industrial growth of the United States prior to the Civil War was significant because

sectional differences became even more noticeable

Why did women's entering of the workforce fail to expand their power?

Husbands or fathers often controlled the money women earned from work.

What is significant about Patrick Henry's statement during the First Continental Congress that he is no longer "a Virginian, butan American"?

It expressed the idea of a unified and independent nation.

In which colony, in 1775, would you most likely find majority support for the king?

South Carolina

What event did the least to help the United States realize Manifest Destiny?

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

What factor attracted many people to Virginia?

the headright system

Who gave no support to the Cherokees when they were forced to move to Oklahoma?

Andrew Jackson

Why did the United States not develop a significant transportation network of roads prior to 1840?

The nation did not need a significant number of roads for economic purposes.

The penitentiary reform movement was led by

Dorothea Dix

What action taken by President Jackson most likely earned him the nickname "King Andrew"?

veto of the Bank of the United States

The Battle of Saratoga was more than just a battlefield defeat for the British because

the Americans were able to recapture Philadelphia

During the 1400s, middle class families were often able to employ themselves as


How did the United States assert its desire for power and equality with European nations?

Monroe Doctrine

If a slave wished to rebel against his master, what method was most effective?

slow work

How were Bacon's rebellion and the American Revolution similar?

Like Bacon, patriots felt that taxes paid by them unjustly benefited a few wealthy people.

The Judiciary Act of 1789

created a system of thirteen federal district courts.

What was the root cause of Bacon's Rebellion?

Indian attacks on western colonial lands.

William Lloyd Garrison refused to compromise on what issue?


Large plantations in the Spanish colonies were called


What was one weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not levy or collect taxes from the states.

A result of the Columbian Exchange noticeable today is what?

horses living in the United States

How did the Second Great Awakening lead to the launch of many reform movements?

More people put their religion into practice.

The Star-Spangled Banner was written after an important victory at


Why did some northerners accuse the South of creating a war with Mexico?

The war would potentially increase the size and power of the South in Congress.

The fullest expression of Manifest Destiny came when what occurred?

the United States declared war against Mexico

If you wanted to enjoy religious and social acceptance, what colony would be best for you?

Rhode Island

In what geographic region would you most likely find a Patriot in the year 1775?

New England 

What happened to the federalist after the War of 1812?

The Federalist Party was discredited and never regained political power.

Why were slaves especially drawn to religion?

it offered them a life of freedom after a life of slavery.

Why did Muslim nations, even though they defeated the European crusades, lost economic influence in the world?

European nations grew more powerful and wealthy than Muslim nations due to colonial wealth.

What document listed had the most significant impact on American ideas leading to the revolution in 1776?

English Bill of Rights

Why did most new factories appear in the North?

The North had more people who were ready to work in factories.

What factor attracted many people to Virginia?

the headright system

What did the First Continental Congress mean to the independence movement?

It was the first gathering of Americans.

What social effect did the cotton boom have on the South?

It dispersed, or scattered, the population creating a void of commercial cities.

What event was least likely inspired by the American Revolution?

Russian Revolution

Under the Articles of Confederation, a small state such as Rhode Island had how much power?

had as much power as a large state such as Virginia.

The Star-Spangled Banner was written after an important victory at what city?


Why did some northerners accuse the South of creating a war with Mexico?

The war would potentially increase the size and power of the South in Congress.

What was the basis for Lincoln's plan of reconstruction?

argued that southern states had never really left the Union.

What was the main motivation for Congress to change its Indian policy in 1850?

gold being discovered on Indian lands.

In contrast to capitalism, socialism requires what?

government control of property and income.

Late nineteenth-century economic growth was fueled by what?

natural resources

What is true about the northern economy at the end of the Civil War?

The economy was capable of maintaining a surge.

Why is 1890 a significant year for the Great Plains?

The frontier was declared closed by the census.

What event provided a short-lived, victory for Native Americans on the Great Plains?

Ft. Laramie Treaty

African Americans were guaranteed the right to vote by what amendment?

15th amendment

Stephen Douglas was a strong supporter of what act?

the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Immigrants that arrived in the United States in the late nineteenth century discovered what about the ghettos?

living in ghettos was in many ways comforting.

How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the Union war effort?

It redefined the war effort as about slavery.

Emancipation Proclamation 

Industrialization impacted Americans in numerous significant ways, including what?

linking world markets.

Rural-to-urban migration was primarily motivated by

steady employment

Rural-to-urban migration was primarily motivated by

steady employment

Rural-to-urban migration was primarily motivated by

steady employment

What was the first step in southern railroad expansion after the Civil War?

join rural areas with urban hubs

"New" immigrants were often less welcome because of what reason?

they came from southern and eastern Europe.

The feasibility of skyscrapers was made possible by what?


What was the most dangerous event for a Great Plains farmer in the late 1800s?

blizzard and drought

The Dred Scott decision stated that slaves should do what?

 be made American citizens.

After the Civil War, the southern economy relied on what?

northern investments.

The reason that newspaper circulation increased dramatically was due to what?

advertising allowing newspapers to be printed cheaply

The end of Native American resistance came were?

Wounded Knee

Why were urban centers concentrated in America's northeast in 1900?

factories were located where the immigrants were

In what ways did factory owners exploit their workers in the Gilded Age?

forcing them to live in company towns

Raising livestock on the open-range was a system developed by...

Mexican vaqueros

What event led to the rapid demise of the Knights of Labor?

the Haymarket Square Riot

In order for the American railroad system to function in an orderly manner, railroads encouraged the use of what?

time zones

Why were urban centers concentrated in America's northeast in 1900?

factories were located where the immigrants were

What did the Dred Scott decision state?

American citizens.

Contrary to the provisions of the Missouri Compromise, southern states were able to pass the...

Kansas-Nebraska Bill

Why was the Civil War's first large battle so shocking?

The battle was more brutal than people expected

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The election of 1860 showed that the North and the South were two distinct political entities because of what reason?

Lincoln won without a single southern electoral vote.

Related Links

Vice President 
United States
District of Columbia
Puerto Rico 
Twenty-third Amendment 

Compulsory education meant that education was

required by law

Homes built by Homesteaders on the plains were built primarily of what?


Why was the Civil War's first large battle so shocking?

The battle was more brutal than people expected

Why was the Civil War's first large battle so shocking?

The battle was more brutal than people expected.

How did popular entertainment democratize American culture and society?

Nearly everyone attended baseball games, bringing social classes together.

In order to avoid war, Lincoln offered the South a way to avoid hostilities when he stated in his inaugural address that...

he had chosen a southern vice president to represent their interests in governing.

How did Angel Island and Ellis Island differ?

Immigrants were often detained for weeks and months at Angel Island.

The group that fueled the investment of industry in America most was


What resource-rich regions lie along the Rhine River in eastern France?

Alsace and Lorraine

Life in modern Russia is characterized by what?

Almost 75% of the people live in urban areas.

How is the climate in Northern Eurasia and Central Europe?

Most of eastern Russia has a subarctic climate.

What are two of the most densely populated countries of Western Europe?

Germany and Italy

Because, as a people, Albanians often felt threatened by their neighbors, Albania did what?

isolated itself, and was often called "Europe's hermit."

What explains why the former Yugoslavia broke up into a number of small countries after Communist control ended in the late 1980s?

tensions between different ethnic groups

The basic landform pattern of Central Europe and Northern Eurasia is what?

relatively flat in the west, with lakes and mountains along the southern border and mountains in the east.

The _____________ is a forested region in Russia in which trees do not grow to great size because of the harsh climate.


In contrast to the way that Germany was unified in the 1800s, its unification in 1990 was the result of what?

pressure from the citizens of both countries and Europe.

What explains why the former Yugoslavia broke up into a number of small countries after Communist control ended in the late 1980s?

tensions between different ethnic groups

What group in Poland was outlawed by the government but later was responsible for the first free elections in more than 40 years?


What economic activities are most common along the coast of Northern Eurasia?

coal mining and nomadic herding

How many islands does Greece have?

 Greece has more than 2,000 islands. 

What major thing occurred during the Cold War period?

There was a huge buildup of military equipment in both the United States and the Soviet Union.

Because of the moderating effects of the warm currents of the North Atlantic Drift, most of the Nordic coastal region has what kind of climate?

marine west coast climate.

Switzerland's cantons differ in many ways, but they share the same what?

national government.

How is the economy of the far northern regions of Russia?

Hunting and gathering and nomadic herding are still practiced.

What effect do siroccos have on the farmlands of Spain?

Siroccos are African winds that blow over the land, making southeastern Spain the driest region in the country.

How has human settlement affected the ecosystems of Western Europe?

Most of the natural forests in Western Europe have been cleared to make way for farms and to provide timber for building materials.

Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Communist party in Russia

has continued to be a powerful force in Russian politics.

What was a great period of art and learning that began in Italy in the 1300s?


Melted glaciers in Scandinavia created flooded glacial valleys, called


Since the late 1980s, and after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the economies of the Central European and Northern Eurasian countries generally moved from…..

communism to capitalism

Why do some buildings in Siberia stand six feet off the ground on posts?

to circulate air and diffuse heat

What French region lies along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea?

the French Riviera

Most of Ireland's basic landscape pattern consists of what?

hills ringing most of the coastline with a broad plain in the middle.

The term used to refer to the effect an investment has in multiplying related jobs throughout an economy is called

multiplier effect

The term used to describe breaking an area up into small, mutually hostile political units is called?


How was Czechoslovakia divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993?

The division resulted from a peaceful separation.

What is the "common market" formed by six Western European nations in the 1950s known as today?

European Union

What is an accurate statement about the physical characteristics of Russia?

The Caspian Sea is a completely landlocked lake.

Ancient Greece is credited with influencing Western ideas about what?


Both Austria and Switzerland have what type of landscapes?

They have landscapes that are dominated by the Alps.

In order to stimulate economic growth in recent years, the government of France has done what?

severely restricted trade with other European countries.

The economy of Spain has changed in recent years in which of the following ways?

Transportation equipment is now the country's major export.

Large areas of the Scottish Highlands contain broad, treeless plains called


What landform separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of Europe?

The Pyrenees.

What best describes the continent of Europe?

A giant peninsula of peninsulas jutting out from the huge landmass of Eurasia.

What are Romance and Germanic?

the two major language groups in Western Europe.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

If you called for immediate abolition, you wanted

slavery to end

The reason that European nations were able to grow more powerful and wealthy than Muslim nations is because

European nations grew more powerful and wealthy than Muslim nations due to colonial wealth.

After years of struggling, Virginia was able to make a profit due to

the cultivation of tobacco

The inspiration to put religious faith into social action was due to

the second Great Awakening

What region benefited most from the triangular trade?


Spain was able to strengthen and maintain control over its colonies in the Americas

by initiating laws that protected Indians and supported mission work.

Many of the advanced navigation methods developed by this nation helped begin the Age of Exploration.


The American Colonization Society encouraged free blacks to move to


Who was responsible for the forced migration of the Cherokees to Oklahoma?

Supporters of the public school movement made arguments based on religious references.

The Workingmen’s Party supported

labor unions

What plan divided the United States between slave and non-slave states?

Missouri Compromise

Monday, February 10, 2014

Industry had what effect on the South?

It made cotton the dominant cash crop.

Why did railroads have a greater impact on American society than canals and steamboats?

Railroads cost less to build, and trains provided faster transport.

Why did most new factories appear in the North?

The North had more people who were ready to work in factories.

In which case did Chief Justice John Marshall rule that the power to regulate commerce among states belonged to the national government?

Gibbons v. Ogden

During their invasion of the United States in the War of 1812, British forces

burned Washington, D. C.

What was one of John Marshall’s important accomplishments as chief justice of the Supreme Court?

establishing the power of judicial review

Why was the War of 1812 significant to the United States?

It showed that the nation seemed certain to endure.

What was one of Thomas Jefferson’s goals when he became president?

He planned to retire the national debt by paying it down.

The Judiciary Act of 1789

created a system of thirteen federal district courts

Why did southern farmers oppose Alexander Hamilton’s plans for the economy?

They did not want to pay taxes to help the northern states.

One of George Washington’s most important precedents was the

formation of a Cabinet

What member of the Constitutional Convention was most sympathetic to the British form of government?

Alexander Hamilton

What idea was part of the New Jersey Plan?

an executive committee leading the executive branch

What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not levy or collect taxes from the states

Federalists wanted

a strong central government

The original purpose of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was to

revise the Articles of Confederation

Under the Articles of Confederation, a small state such as Rhode Island

had as much power as a large state such as Virginia.

In what way did the American Revolution affect other countries?

Other republican groups fought to overthrow aristocratic governments.

The Treaty of Paris

ceded far more territory to the United States than the colonies had won in the war.

What was a consequence of the First Continental Congress?

More colonists became politically active

What group was most comfortable with the taxes that the British were trying to levy at the time of the American Revolution?

the Loyalists

What was the Middle Passage?

the ocean journey that transported slaves from Africa to the Americas

French colonial policies differed from those of Spain because the French

did not intimidate or enslave Native Americans

The first enduring colonial town in what was to become the United States was

St. Augustine

The Protestant Reformation in Europe resulted in

rivalries among West European nations

What factor attracted many people to Virginia?

the headright system

A main reason for Spanish colonization was to

search for gold and other riches

What nation first pioneered advanced methods of navigation in the Age of Exploration?


Friday, February 7, 2014

During the 1400s, the most prestigious people in Europe were


Patterson v. McLean Credit Union

On-the-job discrimination should be dealt with according to civil rights laws.

Deportation is

an inherent power of the United States government

protection from cruel and unusual punishment

the 8th Amendment

Procedural due process refers to

the methods of government

recognition of basic human rights

the 9th Amendment

What requires equal opportunities in education for men and women?

Title IX

A bench trial occurs

when a defendant waives the right to trial by jury

What prohibits job discrimination based on sex?

the Civil Rights Act of 1964

What makes anyone born in the United States an American citizen?

jus soli

De jure segregation is

legal segregation

The Declaration of Sentiments was

a resolution in support of women’s rights adopted in 1848.

What allows an accused person to be held without bail?

preventive detention

What is allowed by the United States Constitution?

a state prosecutor making an indictment with an information

In what kind of situation would a writ of habeas corpus be issued?

An officer is holding a prisoner.

Everson v. Board of Education

The 8th Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment) applies to the states.

United States v. Eichman

Flag burning is protected by the 1st Amendment.

Virginia v. Black

A state law prohibiting the burning of a cross is constitutional.

Bunn v. North Carolina

Poisonous snakes cannot be used in religious ceremonies.

The solicitor general does what?

represents the United States in Supreme Court cases

How do most cases reach the Supreme Court?

writ of certiorari

What article created the Supreme Court?

Article III, Section 1

The Smith Act of 1940 made what a crime?

advocating the violent overthrow of the government

What amendment reflected a changing attitude about the federal government?

the 14th Amendment

What amendment recognizes civil rights?

the 9th Amendment

The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment does what?

prohibits the federal government from forcing people to practice a particular faith

What is an example of judicial activism?

interpreting laws in the context of changing events

The Lemon test determines

whether federal aid can go to parochial schools

What case began the process of incorporation regarding the 14th Amendment?

Gitlow v. New York

As of 2006, how many courts of appeals are in the United States?


As of 2006, how many districts courts are in the United States?


What performs functions similar to those of a county sheriff for a district court?

a United States marshal

Cases of diverse citizenship involve

citizens of different states

What is a special court?

a territorial court

A majority of Supreme Court cases fall under the category of what?

appellate jurisdiction

The person who files suit in a civil case is the


What is a check of the judiciary’s power?


Approximately what percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by land?

30 percent

Scientists believe Earth's inner core is made up of

hot iron, nickel, and rock.

What is the name for the collection of plants and animals of all types that live on Earth?

the biosphere

How do people affect their environment?

by changing it to meet their needs

What do we call the usual, predictable patterns of weather in an area over many years?


According to plate tectonics, the eastern coast of South America "fits" into the western coast of Africa because of what reason?


What does a physical geographer study?

people and their activities

What is a pull factor for migration?

lure of jobs

People's daily lives, histories, and art forms are part of their...


What is the process of spreading ideas, languages, or customs from one culture to another?

cultural diffusion.

What does the geographic theme of relative location analyzes?

where geographic features are in relation to other features.

What percentage of Earth's water is fresh water?

3 percent

A small strip of land that has water on two sides and connects larger landmasses is called a(n)


When the sun heats water and turns it into a gas, it is called


What geographic theme can be defined by physical features?


What is the outermost layer of the Earth called?


What happens to the earth every 365 1\4 days?

orbits the sun

What does export mean?

sell to other countries.

Why do the seasons change as Earth makes its circuit around the sun?

Earth is tilted on its axis.

What geographic theme explains how and why people, ideas, and goods spread?


Deep cuts in the ocean floor are called


Mountains are created when tectonic plates

meet and collide through continental drift.

Latin American was colonized mostly by the...

Spanish and Portuguesse

Venezuela is one of the world's leaders in...

oil and Gas

What country is today an important banking center?


What does the Continental divide determine?

the direction that rivers flow

Why does the Caribbean islands have a high percentage of African Latin Americans?

Europeans brought

What is middle America best described as?


What are the two official languages of Canada?

English and French

Largest rain forest in the World?


Communism was first brought to the Western Hemisphere and Latin America in


How long is the Amazon River?

4000 miles

The Appalachian Mountains would be found in the east of the US and Canada.


Canada's trade surplus can be linked to its

ability to sell resources to other countries

What languages do most Latin Americans speak?

panish and Portuguese

The world's largest frshwater lakes that connect to the St. Lawrence River are called the

Great Lakes

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The basic structure of the federal court system was established by

the Judiciary Act of 1789

In the federal court system, courts below the Supreme Court are created by


A directive from the president that has the force of a law is a what?

executive order

What vice president is described as being most influential?

Dick Cheney

According to the original provisions of the Constitution, who became vice president?

the presidential candidate with the second-highest number of votes

What amendment requires separate election of the president and vice president?

the 12th Amendment

In which role is the president a symbol of the American people?

chief of state

What position is most powerful in Congress?

Speaker of the house

What allows the House to force a bill out of committee and onto the floor for debate?

a discharge petition

The Cloture Rule addresses

filibustering in the Senate

A part of a bill unrelated to the rest of the bill and unlikely to pass on its own is

joint resolution

In Congress, a party caucus deals mostly with

party organization

The investigatory power allows Congress to

investigate any matter relating to its legislative powers.

What power of Congress was the basis for prohibiting discrimination in public places in the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

the commerce power

The Supreme Court case of Gibbons v. Ogden did what?

provided a broad interpretation of the commerce power

What is true of deficit financing?

It is common and constitutional.

Regulating the value of money, which Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to do, is an example of a(n)

expressed power

What set the number of representatives at 435?

the Reapportionment Act of 1929

What type of congressional representative votes according to the wishes of his or her constituents?


In Congress, a party caucus deals mostly with

party organization

The investigatory power allows Congress to

investigate any matter relating to its legislative powers.

What came from the Necessary and Proper Clause of the United States Constitution?

Implied powers

What power of Congress was the basis for prohibiting discrimination in public places in the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

the commerce power

The Supreme Court case of Gibbons v. Ogden did what?

provided a broad interpretation of the commerce power

What set the number of representatives at 435?

the Reapportionment Act of 1929

What type of congressional representative votes according to the wishes of his or her constituents?


A state legislature that draws district borders to favor a certain party is


Reapportionment refers to

redistributing representation in the House.

Who may call a special session of Congress?

the president of the United States

What is a practical reason for the bicameral legislature in the United States?

he Framers wanted the House to check the Senate.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

government corporation

In the case of Veazie Bank v. Fenno, the United States Supreme Court first upheld

taxation for purposes other than producing revenue.

What is a customs duty?

a tax on imported goods

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine did what?

encouraged United States intervention in Latin America

What event caused a permanent shift from isolationism to internationalism?

World War II

The federal government can tax what?


The national deficit is

the amount of money the government has left over at the end of a year

The national deficit is

the amount of money the government has left over at the end of a year

Deterrence refers to

maintaining military might to discourage attacks

Which president restored American ties to China after communists took control of that nation?

Richard Nixon

What is an example of controllable spending?

aid to education

progressive tax

charges a higher percentage as income increases.

The Pendleton Act of 1883 did what?

limited patronage

Who was the first woman to lead an executive department?

Frances T. Perkins

What is an example of political patronage?

the CIA forwarding intelligence to the Department of Homeland Security

What type of agency is also a quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial body?

independent regulatory commission

What is the Federal Reserve System is entrusted with?

regulating the money supply

What were the first executive departments?

the Departments of State, Treasury, and War.

What were the first executive departments?

the Departments of State, Treasury, and War.

A line agency does what?

performs the tasks for which a bureaucracy is responsible

chief administrator

overseeing the executive departments

chief of state

the ceremonial head of government

The president manages the military through the

Department of Defense

Why do some people advocate a single, six-year term for a president?

to free the president from having to campaign

Typically, which of the following assists the president in negotiating a treaty with another government?

the secretary of state

The president’s ability to deny the legal existence of another government is the power of what?


What is a judicial power of a president?


In what situation did a president use military force without congressional approval?

participation in NATO’s action in Kosovo

What gives the executive branch of government a free hand in foreign relations?

executive agreements

A party adopts its platform at a

national convention

What amendment limits the number of terms a president can have?

the 22nd Amendment

Most vice-presidential candidates are chosen

to balance a party’s ticket

An argument against allowing direct election of the president is

states would have no voice in selecting the president.

Today, both of the major parties select presidential candidates at

national conventions

Who selects the president if no candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes?

the House of Representatives

Who chooses the presidential electors in the electoral college?


In the early 1800s, which method of selecting presidential candidates was used?

congressional caucus

presidential primaries

They vary from state to state.

Which amendment separated the elections of the president and vice president?

the 12th Amendment

In what election did presidential electors begin to vote along party lines?

the election of 1800

According to the original provisions of the Constitution, who became vice president?

the candidate with the second-highest number of electoral votes

Who determines the president’s salary?


Can a president remove the Vice President?


Who would become president if the president and vice president died in an accident?

The speaker of the House

The president manages the military through the

Department of Defense

What president was the first to issue an executive order?

George Washington

assists the president in negotiating a treaty with another government

the secretary of state

Persona non grata refers to

an unwelcome ambassador from another country

The president’s ability to deny the legal existence of another government is the power

of recognition

What is a legislative power of a president?


Jimmy Carter’s unconditional pardon to draft evaders in 1977 is an example of


In which situation did a president use military force without congressional approval?

participation in NATO’s action in Kosovo

What gives the executive branch of government a free hand in foreign relations?

executive agreements

The first woman to run as a vice-presidential candidate was

Geraldine Ferraro

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A party adopts its platform at a

national convention

What amendment limits the number of terms a president can have?

the 22nd Amendment

An argument against allowing direct election of the president is

states would have no voice in selecting the president

A criticism of the proportional plan for reforming the electoral college is

it would weaken the two-party system by representing third parties.

A criticism of the district plan for reforming the electoral college is

it would be a motive for drawing districts to favor one party (gerrymandering).

Electoral votes from which of the following states can go to more than one presidential candidate?


Today, both of the major parties select presidential candidates at

national conventions

criticism of the electoral college?

The candidate with the most popular votes does not always win.

Who selects the president if no candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes?

the House of Representatives

Who chooses the presidential electors in the electoral college?


In the early 1800s, which method of selecting presidential candidates was used?

congressional caucus

In which election did presidential electors begin to vote along party lines?

the election of 1800

In the early 1800s, which method of selecting presidential candidates was used?

congressional caucus

What amendment separated the elections of the president and vice president?

the 12th Amendment

In which election did presidential electors begin to vote along party lines?

the election of 1800

According to the original provisions of the Constitution, who became vice president?

the candidate with the second-highest number of electoral votes

According to the original provisions of the Constitution, who became vice president?

the candidate with the second-highest number of electoral votes

Who determines the president’s salary?


A president cannot remove the

vice president.

Who would become president if the president and vice president died in an accident?

the speaker of the House

The House Rules Committee serves which function?

reviewing bills that come out of committee

What congressional official is named in the Constitution?

the speaker of the House

The seniority rule suggests that

the longest-serving majority party member on a committee will be chair.

Triangular trade was

a trade network that brought slaves to the Americas

When is a bill engrossed in the House?

after it has been approved at its second reading

A joint committee is

composed of members from both Houses of Congress.

What nation first pioneered advanced methods of navigation in the Age of Exploration?


In Congress, standing committees are


What is the main power of committee chairs in Congress?

determining which bills to discuss

Who chooses the chairs of the standing committees in Congress?

the majority party caucus

Floor leaders in Congress are

elected by their parties.

Who is president of the Senate?

the vice president

Example of an implied power

banning certain materials in the mail

How are treaties made?

negotiated by the president and reviewed by the Senate

What article of the Constitution allows Congress to propose amendments to the Constitution?

Article V

Who has the power to impeach civil officers?

the House

Who has the power to impeach civil officers?

the House

Who has the power to impeach civil officers?

the House

Who has the power to impeach civil officers?

the House

The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland did which of the following?

legitimized the concept of implied powers

The power of Congress to define federal crimes is a

judicial power

Implied powers come from

the Necessary and Proper Clause.

Which part of the Constitution requires that all indirect taxes by the federal government be uniform?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1

An opponent of paper currency most likely would agree with the ruling in which Supreme Court case?

Hepburn v. Griswold

Congress first established a national paper currency in what year?


The national debt is allowed by

Article I, Section 8, Clause 2 of the Constitution.

The United States Constitution notes which kind of powers in the first seventeen clauses of Article I, Section 8?

The United States Constitution notes which kind of powers in the first seventeen clauses of Article I, Section 8?

The 17th Amendment made which of the following provisions?

The 17th Amendment made which of the following provisions?

The practice of having state legislatures elect senators was called

a filtration system.

Why are members of Congress often reluctant to increase their salaries?

the fear of negative public reaction

A constituency is

the body of people a politician represents.

Supreme Court decision stated that a person who meets the Constitution’s requirements for age, citizenship, and residence cannot be refused a seat in Congress?

Powell v. McCormack

Reapportionment refers to

redistributing representation in the House.

The size of the Senate is determined by

Article I, Section 3, Clause 1 of the Constitution.

The size of the House of Representatives is determined by


Who may convene a special session of Congress?

The president of the United States

How long does a congressional term last?

2 years

What was a practical reason for a bicameral legislature?

Resolving the dispute between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan.

What was a practical reason for a bicameral legislature?

Resolving the dispute between the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan.

What is a body of fundamental laws called?

A constitution